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Faculty of Foreign Citizens Training

Вінницького національного медичного університету ім. М. і. Пирогова

Attention to 2018-graduates who did not pass MLE “Krok-2”

Attention to 2018-graduates who did not pass MLE “Krok-2” and who need a visa!!!

In order to get the invitation to pass MLE “Krok-2” we ask you to send to International Links Department e-mail (foredean@vnmu.edu.ua) the following:

  1. scan. copy of the passport
  2. scan. copy of your Academic Transcript
  3. To indicate the country where you are going to obtain visa
  4. scan. copy of the ticket for us to prepare the meeting parpers

Those, who have not got the Academic Transcript, can do it through their friends to apply to the Dean’s Office and to get after clearance paper get filled.

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