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Faculty of Foreign Citizens Training

Вінницького національного медичного університету ім. М. і. Пирогова


National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsia starts the new 2022-2023 academic year in the usual mode and fully resumes the provision of educational services. The decision was approved by the ORDER of the rector of VNMU Vasyl Moroz “On the organization of the educational process in the autumn-winter semester of 2022-2023“.

Order # 73 dated 26.08.2022

The essence of the order regarding internetional students is as follows:

The students of the Faculty of Foreign Citizens Training of all courses and specialties start the new 2022-2023 acad. year in accordance with the approved schedule of the educational process and class timetables from 01.09.2022 in the distance (online) mode of study with the subsequent continuation of the study in the offline mode with the following receiving of a certificate of completion of the offline practical (clinical) training.

The students who will arrive in Ukraine at the beginning of the academic year will be able to start studying in a mixed (auditory-distance) mode with the possibility of visiting clinical locations for students of 3-6 courses.

The students should inform the Dean’s Office (Vice Dean) in advance about the date and route of arrival in Ukraine. Write an application for getting a hostel place or provide information about the place of actual residence.

The choice of the form of education (online or offline) and actual personal data (contact phone number, e-mail) are indicated in the student’s application and sent to the relevant vice-dean.

The classes will be held in the premises of the university and clinical locations of the departments in compliance with the requirements of the security situation and anti-epidemic measures. The educational process will take place in a mixed mode, taking into account that conducting classroom classes in the premises of the university is possible only within the estimated capacity of the shelters, which can be used to protect the participants of the educational process in the event of the activation of the “Air Alarm” signal or other relevant warning signals.

Prior the start of offline classes a special instruction practical training will be held; students together with teachers will study the algorithm of actions in the event of an “Air alarm” signal and routes to protective shelters in the educational building, hostels, and clinical locations.

Students are obliged to strictly follow and implement the algorithm of actions in the event of the announcement of the “Air Alarm” signal on the territory of the educational institution under the guidance of the teacher, on the territory of the hostel under the guidance of the head of the hostel according to the instructions. Completion and compliance with the rules of conduct in the event of an “Air Alarm” signal must be certified by the personal signature of the teacher and the student.

Practical training, provided for in the schedule of the educational process for students of all faculties and courses of study, will take place in an offline format;

Re-working of missed classes are conducted remotely (online) according to the Department timetable for missed classes re-working and the individual timetable of teachers.

In order to fulfill the terms of the contract between the university and students, the latter are obliged to pay for the provision of educational services for the previous academic year and to pay tuition for the first semester of the current academic year by October 1, 2022. In case of violation of the terms of the contract, students will be blocked in the electronic journal and will not receive a certificate of completion of the practical (clinical) part of the classes. Students are required to clear academic debt during the first semester of the current academic year.

In choosing the training format and creating a flexible schedule of classes, we are guided primarily by the issues of safety of our students and at the same time ensuring the quality of education.



Head of Faculty of Foreign Students Training

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