Miss Africa – 2016
Welcome Miss Africa Vinnitsya 2016!
On the 7th of November the City Hall “Zorya” witnessed the feast of beauty and charm. VNMU students, honored sponsors and guests came to choose the most beautiful African lady of VNMU. All the contestants were gorgeous and wonderful but…
The Queen for 2016 has become Nonhlanhla Dube from Zimbabwe, 1st Princess – Patricia Kudumo Namibia, 2nd Princess Lilian Mueni from Kenya.
Special thanks for VNMU authorities in the person of Vice-Rector for International Affairs S.V. Zaika and our generous sponsors:
Yousaf Ali Khan from “Star Education Consult Ukraine” (http://www.edu-ukraine.com);
V.V. Evdokimenko from insurance company “Vuso” (http://www.vuso.ua);
Kiyavia (https://www.kiyavia.com);
Asomoah-Kyеremeh Joshua from “Education Consult Ltd” .

The students of VNMU marked Kerala Piravi - the birth of the state - with a huge flash-mob on the square before in front of the University.

At the beginning of April the delegation from Kingdom of Eswatini visited our university. The guests met the Rector prof. MorozV.M. and had an ...