New Year Greeting from International Students
At the end of December international students of our university invited everybody to a concert made by themselves. Such parties are already a tradition. Rector of VNMU prof. Moroz V.M., Vice-Rector for Clinical Work prof. Pogoriliy V.V., Vice-Rector for International Links Zaika S.V., Scientific Council Secretary Serebrennikova O.A., Dean of Foreign Students’ Faculty, lecturers, students and guests were present at the event. The performers amaized the audience with beautiful dances, songs and presentations. Thanks to everyone and Happy New Year!

Dear applicants! The schedule for entrance examinations for 2021-2022 autumn batch. SCHEULE FOR ENTRANCE EXAMS

From the 12th-14th of April, 2019, the European Medical Students’ Association (EMSA) Ukraine, held its 4th National Assembly titled, “Beyond ...

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN The information about lists of students enrolled to the university in 2021-2022 acad. year can be seen here