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Faculty of Foreign Citizens Training

Вінницького національного медичного університету ім. М. і. Пирогова

Students’ sport life

For the First Timein VNMU!

On September 18-20 in FC “Niva” Stadium the first in Vinnytsa students’ championship in cricket took place. This is a new game for Ukraine yet, that is why the competitions were mono-national. Medical students from India created and trained 4 teams. Six qualifying games were played, and on Sunday the final came. «ТСС» and «Sharks» met. The Vice-Rector for International Links associate professor Zaika S.V. was present at the game. And it was he who made the opening blow. As a result of hot battle «Sharks» won. They and their captain Uthayaraj Antony Santosh got the Cup from Vice-Rector’s hands. But the other teams and their player were great during the games. Medals were also given to Perumal Vijayakumar (“TCC” captain) Sayed Sayed Ali, Sivalingam Gokulraj, Vijayaratnam Yasinthan, Perugu Mani Gopal, Maruthi Raj Kaushik. Special thanks for the organizers – Tamineni Balagangadhar Reddy and Yagalla Kirthi Chandra.

We hope that was a successful beginning for a new venture. In spring we are planning to organize Vinnitsya Cup – all-Ukrainian cricket championship for medical universities. 


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