Celebration of the Day of Europe
Due to the Days of Europe on the 17.05.2014 in Vinnytsia foreign students from our university visited the bikers meeting “Мотозагул”. Our students got a lot positive emotions and just had a great fun!
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Information about Students’ Associations
08 September 2020
№ Country Name Year 1. Pakistan Umer Muhammad Talha Hamid 4 2. Yemen Al-Sharafi Sofiya Abdulkarem Ahmed 4 3. Palestine Abdalhadi I. ...
Cricket match
08 December 2016
WE CAME BACK WITH THE VICTORY! On May 2nd -3rd VNMU cricket team visited Kagarlyk to play a series of friendly matches with the local ...
From fall 2015 Indian Restaurant in Vinnytsya
30 April 2016
From fall 2015 Indian Restaurant in Vinnytsya