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Faculty of Foreign Citizens Training

Вінницького національного медичного університету ім. М. і. Пирогова

Day of Knowledge at Pediatric Oncohematology Department

On September 1st a holiday “Day of Knowledge” was made by the students of our university for children who are the patients of Oncohematology Department of Chidren’s Regional Clinical Hospital.

Также по теме
Stories about success from our students
06 January 2020

For many years whilst I was still a very impressionable dreamer, I had a great belief to be a change maker. It was one of the primary reasons I ...

Graduates – 2016
09 December 2016

On the 24-th of June, 2016 one more course of our students graduated from the University. It was a wonderful holiday with songs, dances and solemn ...

Open workshops from visiting professors
08 November 2017

At the  beginning of October a series of open master classes were held at the University. The speakers were: Dr. Jim Peipon – the President ...