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Faculty of Foreign Citizens Training

Вінницького національного медичного університету ім. М. і. Пирогова

Miss Africa-2015

Miss Africa-2015

November 7 was the day to celebrate beauty. The most beautiful girls from Africa and African students meet at Philharmonic Hall for the ceremony. The authorities of Foreign Students’ Faculty and the sponsors were also present. Mary Jane Chigbo, Blessing Odibendi and Idoningesabi Paul represented Nigeria, Amahle Philiswa Masuku was from Swaziland, Gabriella Mafukidze and Alexa Mlauzi represented Zimbabwe, Loretta Opong came from Ghana. The contests were interesting, the concert was bright the audience simply great! Miss Africa – 2015 is Amahle Philiswa Masuku!

Our congratulations to the queen!


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