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Faculty of Foreign Citizens Training

Вінницького національного медичного університету ім. М. і. Пирогова

Open workshops from visiting professors

At the  beginning of October a series of open master classes were held at the University. The speakers were:

Dr. Jim Peipon – the President and Medical Director of Ukraine Medical Outreach spoke on the topic “Autism Spectrum Disorders: There is a little autism in all of us.”

Dr. Vinod Shah – Chief Executive Officer of the International Christian Medical Dental Association, presented the speech “Specific evidence about how to study and learn most effectively”.

Prathap Thatyan  – Director of the South Asian Cochrane Network & Centre presented a topic “How to find and use reliable evidence to inform health decisions”.

The Vice Rector for Scientific Work PhD O.V. Vlasenko, lecturers, clinical residents and students were present at the workshops.

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