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Faculty of Foreign Citizens Training

Вінницького національного медичного університету ім. М. і. Пирогова

Rector’s Order about Exam Session

The Rector of VNMU issued the Order # 246 to regulate the mode of final exams and differentiated credits procedure. 
The essence of the regulations are the following: 
The regulations of final control (differential credit, exam)
conduction in remote study conditions 
  1. Student’s camera should be placed in an arm distance, if it is smartphone camera it should be fixed on the table, hands should be seen in the screen.
  1. If it is necessary, the lecturer can ask to demonstrate a student’s card or a credit book to identify the personality of the student (the student should show to the camera this document with clearly seen his photo and name.
  1. If during 5 minutes the student does not connect to the exam his/her turn shifts automatically to the end of the line/ If a student do not connect during the time submitted for final control of his group he/she gets “not appeared”.
  1. The lecturer on the suspicion of student’s violating the academic integrity has the right to stop the exam.
  1. The lecturer has the right to ask the student to demonstrate the screen of the device the student is working from.
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