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Faculty of Foreign Citizens Training

Вінницького національного медичного університету ім. М. і. Пирогова

Student Self-Government

Representative of foreign students in University Students’ Self- Governmnet is Alsougran Husam Abdel Karim Inrahim (husamalshougran@gmail.com)
Также по теме
26 April 2018

This the name for the action that takes place in Ukraine every spring. Money got after various charitable events will be spent on medical equipment ...

Graduates – 2016
09 December 2016

On the 24-th of June, 2016 one more course of our students graduated from the University. It was a wonderful holiday with songs, dances and solemn ...

Vinnytsya International Festival
15 November 2016

On the 12th of March Vinnytsya international festival was organized in Feride Plaza. It was a wonderful performance and celebration of peace, ...