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Faculty of Foreign Citizens Training

Вінницького національного медичного університету ім. М. і. Пирогова

Вторая пересдача Крок-1

Внимание студентов третьего курса! Вторая пересдача “Крок-1. Общая медицина” и “Крок-1. Фармация” будет проходить 6 сентября.

Также по теме
Announcement on USQE “Krok-1. Medicine” for foreign students
28 October 2020

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19 October 2020

According to the decision of State Organization “Test Center” and Letter of Ministry of Health of Ukraine # 22-04/31000/2-20 dated 19.10.2020 ...

Charity Concert by International Students
30 March 2017

On March 16, 2017 international students of our University performed a charity concert, the money from which were sent to the military hospital of ...